Niki Sue Yoga

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Full Moon Magic on Halloween

Scorpio season brings in my personal favorite time of year reaching its zenith in what is undoubtedly going to be very exciting—a Full Moon on Halloween. Thoughts of a benevolent witch on a broom as a hologram against the inviting fullness of the Moon tease my mind.
This upcoming Halloween lunation is a rare blue Moon which represents the second full Moon in a given calendar month. Whilst this only happens roughly every two to three years, we can assume it suggests that it is a unique moment in time. The astrological points for this full Moon chart give evidence to an unlikely magic moment.
The full Moon always mirrors an axis of opposing energies between the Sun and the Moon in respect to their location within the zodiac. The Moon in Taurus reflected by the light of the Scorpio Sun suggests that we take a deep psychological look into all that we value, where our loyalties lie, how we treat our bodies, what we would like to build, our finances, power dynamics in our life and what may need to change. Taurus, famous for practicality, may be able to manifest a plan moving forward. With the deeply powerful and highly transformative quality that Scorpio invites us into, you may find yourself highly emotional at this time. Allowing yourself to grieve anything that you know that needs to change, which is being reflected to you in this moment, can help to propel you forward into the fullness of your individuality.
While the fixed elemental dynamism of both Taurus and Scorpio give us the ability to endure, sustain and survive, it also indicates the energy can be hard to move. However, with Uranus sitting right on top of the Moon, we are in for an uncertain ride. Uranus, known as the lord of lightning bolts, will be at the exact degree and within three minutes of the Taurean Moon. Uranium vitality is sure to bring sudden change, shake ups and a break-free zeal. Considering Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius, perhaps the percipience in moving forward with compassion, lent by the Moon, can advance society on a more humanitarian path. Is this a doorway into an age of Enlightenment with the December conjunction when Jupiter meets Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius? Tapping into your inner genius and the freedom that Uranus affords may be a key to this deeply transformative lunation.
Venus in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries can highlight deep healing into the ways that we have been oppressed. This grants us an opportunity to wake up the divine feminine within to fight for who we are, what we love and reclaim that which we have lost. Retrograding Mercury in Libra will assist in thinking this through. Mercury squaring Saturn in Capricorn may also give ideas on how to restructure for what we will build. Black Moon Lilith in Taurus, close to the Moon, could trigger a movement toward recovering what is ours from where we have been shamed or dismissed. Lilith, along with the passion that is Scorpio, could reveal ways that our own sexuality has been repressed or suppressed. Intimacy on all levels, including sex and money will be in the spotlight at this time. 
On this highly rare and auspicious Hallows Eve full Moon, crafting an intentional sacred ceremony can be a very powerful tool for guidance and manifestation. Choose a quiet space and set up an alter using anything that has meaning for you—photographs, crystals, stones, candles, etc. A simple meditation or/and perhaps a spirit card reading could assist in your magical moment. In the light of the Moon, with its reflective influence, you may have a vision for how you can transform that which is not serving you anymore into new inspiration for a phenomenal future.